Tuesday 13 December 2011

break it all down- short and sweet

put both patrick geodes outlook tower idea with Goethes wholeness of nature idea

possible some of stephan hardings video

type out transcript for Jonathan to read, then record with video camera? or mini video camera

put into 1 to two sentences

Aim of project/problem:

Solution to issue:Creating respect for nature through understanding and learning from nature. Through understanding that nature provides such a rich source of inspiration to the creative mind.

key words:Insight, relationships, relating, discovery learning, art of questioning, respect, source of inspiration, nature, understanding, learning, knowledge,

Design of product: e.g. physical form

Use of Technology:

Target group: 12 years and up


design a miniature world which people can control and effect but also learn from

real life consequences effect the minature world

it is only when the system fails that you realise how important and complex and amazing it is.

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