Monday 3 October 2011

Native American Wisdom

Philosophies to uphold in my project:

we have gotten out of balance with our earth, and the very future of our planet depends on our capacity to restore that balance.”

Clarity and simplicity”

I am one of natures children”

Nature will be Nature still, while palaces shall decay and fall in ruins.”

what ever happens to the beast also happens to the man. All things are connected.”

endless fascinating. Birds, insects, and animals filled the world with knowledge.”

observation was certain to have its rewards. Interest, wonder, admiration grew, and the fact was appreciated that life was more than mere human manifestation.”

Knowledge was inherent in all things. The world was a Library”

Several of our young people were brought up in your colleges. They were instructed in all your sciences; but, when they came back to us... They were.. unfit to be hunters, warriors, or counsellors; they were good for nothing.”

Love of possessions is a weakness to overcome.”

taught to give what they prize most, that they may taste the happiness of giving.” sharing event at give away ceremony

we study the habits of animals as you study your books.”

No people have better use of their five senses than the children of the wilderness.”

For the Lakota there was no wilderness, because nature was not dangerous but hospitable, not forbidding but friendly...Indian faith sought the harmony of man with his surroundings; the other(westerners) sought dominance of surroundings.”

Lack of respect for growing living things soon led to lack of respect for humans, too.”

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