Tuesday 27 September 2011

Gamification- enriching or appreciating mundance experiences and tasks

Games and play make tasks more enjoyable and fun which all humans enjoy in some way.

Make life into a game:
Or is life already a game? competition to make the most money, get the most friends and .......

is the use of game design techniques and mechanics to solve problems and engage audiences.(see the world peace game).
Typically gamification applies to non-game applications (also known as "funware"), in order to encourage people to adopt the applications or lifestyles. It also strives to encourage users to engage in desired behaviors in connection with the applications.

(Funware- the use of game mechanics in non-game contexts to encourage desired user actions and generate customer loyalty. Funware typically employs game mechanics such as points, leaderboards, badges, challenges and levels example FarmVille).

Home | MyFarm www.my-farm.org.uk

In the UK and Spain they have gone a bit far by literally creating the face book game in real life instead of looking at why people enjoy playing farm ville aka development,, learning achievement and competition. Then taking these ideas to educate people in a fun and engaging way.

Could gamification be used to make a more sustainable lifestyle more enjoyable

Why do people enjoy playing games? co operation, competition, development, achievement.

Gamification used by indigenous tribes how they made everyday tasks into games and ceremonies providing more enriching experiences and education: pre Hunting preparations, festivals of seasons, harvesting songs and harmony movements, coming of age. Ceremonies and practices to make life more enriching.


Gamification in nature:

Animals such as Lions learn(education) and train their skills through play fighting.
Play is how they gather information about the environment they live in, what foods to eat, how to hunt and how they should live within a group.

Africn Lions play fighting

"lion's social system is based on teamwork and a division of labour within the pride, and an extended but closed family unit centred around a group of related females.Usually several lions will work together to hunt prey." African Lion Data - info on Lions

Grizzly Bear Cub photos
Guess Who
Playing helps animals learn about objects and their environment (does playing in nature help kids learn about how tot world and nature works?)
Hippopotamus at the National Zoo


Do older animals play less? why in human society is it taboo for adults to play as much as children? although adults just play different games aka checkers or chess rather than hide and seek.When you get older can you only play structured games or do they loose their imagination? as kids games seem to have more imagination.
"Can't teach an old dog new tricks"
Are adults they expected to have already done all their learning as a child?

Can playing be learning to co-operate rather than competition? team building classes, part of the team being other peers and nature.)

Could I design fun game education devices- School education or even adults through fun aquaponic system.

Based on ideas from initial research into how tasks such as collecting wood or making an oven can be fun and engaging.

Before setting off to gather winter fuel for months now, Rich recites the first verse of Good King Wenceslas each time. suggest the task is made more enriching by making it into a ceremony.

"we had a great time trampling straw into it and shaping it into a domed oven" satisfaction in the process? what made it fun? was it sociable? learning? development?

"saw right away that we had made the third Lomond." Did it feel like an achievement?

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